Ambassador Sherry Self

Ambassador Sherry Self supports individuals in ministry and/or business to identify and embrace their God given purpose. She believes if you know who you are, then you will show up everyday being that. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Christian Counselor, Licensed Ordained Evangelist, she prays with power and believe God for the end results. She believes that all business can be used for kingdom building. She's the founder of Kingdom Image Network, LLC, TV Studio a premiere online streaming tv network that is revolutionizing the way to evangelize. She is an ordained Evangelist, that impacts lives in the Marketplace. She has authored 4 Books, Purpose Unleashed Vision Board Workbook, Tying the Knot between Ministry and The Marketplace, and Women of the Bible 21 Day Devotional and Women of the Bible Writing Journal. Married to her Boaz, for 28 years Harry Self ,they make Memphis, TN their home. "I started walking in my purpose, once I stopped watching others, walk in theirs". -Ambassador Sherry Self

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