Marceline Williams

Marceline Williams, a fervent Prophetic Intercessor, has been anointed to offer spiritual guidance and prayerful support to leaders. Descended from a lineage of spiritual pioneers, including her parents, Apostle Doris Grant Young and Byron Wiley, and her great-great- grandfather, Bishop Abraham Grant of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Marceline ' s heritage is rich with faith and devotion. 07 Her spiritual journey began in earnest on March 26, 2000, when she embraced her call to ministry. By 2002, under the mentorship of Apostle Doris Grant Young, Marceline was ordained as an Evangelist and assumed the role of Assistant Pastor. Her prophetic gift was nurtured and flourished under the anointing of Apostle Prophet Jones, marking the beginning of a profound path of spiritual service. Marceline ' s dedication to God' s work led her to World Overcomers Outreach Ministry, where she was further mentored by Apostle Alton R. Williams. In 2011, she was officially licensed by Apostle Williams as a Minister of the Gospel, complementing her previous certifications in Apostolic Harvest Leadership, Deliverance, Prayer, Prophetic Ministry, Teaching, and Evangelism. 2012 saw the launch of Prayer Garden of Memphis, Marceline ' s ministry initiative aimed at fostering unity and prayerful collaboration among different denominations and pastors. This initiative underscores her belief in the transformative power of prayer to effect change across communities, cities, states, and the nation. 08 Her commitment to intercessory prayer and prophetic ministry was further honed under the guidance of Apostle Almenthia McCray at Church on the Rock. Marceline ' s heart for service is exemplified by her involvement in The Pursuit of God Transformation Center, where she collaborates with Pastors Ricky and Sheila Floyd. Her endeavors include co-authoring "Tying the Knot between Ministry and the Marketplace, " hosting annual events like The Annual Day of Prayer, Praise, and Healing, and initiating a 24- hour prayer movement in Memphis, TN. In 2018, Prayer Garden of Memphis merged with The Pursuit of God Transformation Center, marking a new chapter in Marceline ' s ministry. Her academic pursuits are equally impressive, with her being a doctoral candidate for a Doctor of Ministry at Newburgh Theological Seminary and holding a Bachelor of Science in Management and a Master of Business Administration. Marceline Williams is not only an accomplished author of the inspiring books “Shattered by One’s Touch” and “We Overcame” but also a testament to the power of faith, dedication, and the unifying force of prayer in creating positive, lasting change.

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